Gardenning at Kohlu


February, 14, 2012

I would to take this opportunity to thank the judicial magistrate at Kohlu for a warm welcome. We discussed the possibilities of improving such a gigantic area within the boundary wall. The lawn and garden in the building was not very healthy because of certain circumstances which we further discussed and arrived and some solutions. The area covered approximately 4 acres.

Various trees and plants were suggested. Planting of these particular fruit trees and ornamental plants would cut down on their work load, and the plants as a consequence would be healthier. They required a minimum of 200 trees and plants at the initial stage. A reliable water source was available.


A comprehensive plan is required to focus the work and green the whole compound. To that end, I propose we make a landscape map and a step by step guide for three years to make it easier to streamline all efforts in this area.

Follow-up Visit

The accountant of Kohlu visited this office and he was advised to purchase fruit tress i.e. Apple, Almond, Apricot, peaches and mulberry trees aside from ornamentals. We continue to wait for their list of items purchased.