Honourable Former Chief Justice Pakistan Message

Message on the occasion of launching of official WEBSITE of The High Court of Balochistan
It is a matter of immense pleasure and satisfaction for me to know that today the High Court of Balochistan has launched its official website. The present era of development in information technology has made a turning point in the history of human civilization. It has made the whole world a global village. It has resulted in enhancing efficiency, productivity and quality of output in every walks of life.
2. There has been immense need for exposing court management to the lasts information technology so as to enable the judicial fraternity to render speedy justice with better legal outputs. Electronic communication devices including electronic mail and video conferencing has made it possible to transfer data with speed and exchange useful information from different locations. It can result in enhanced productivity and reduction of delays by establishing Legal Information Data Bases; providing online query system for precedents, citations, codes, statutes; publishing of Cause Lists and on line statistical reports; and uploading of orders and judgments on the official websites.
3. Though the information technology has been adopted in our country, yet information is still har to come by. There are some websites which provide legal information as well as judgments, statutes, etc., but being managed by private companies, one has to pay handsome amount to utilize the same. For that reason, the law students, young lawyers and the litigant public are not be in a position to avail such facility. In such a situation, there is immense need to make available key information and legal data on freely accessible public domain. The launch of official website of the High Court of Balochistan would certainly contribute greatly to overcome this problem.
4. In the end, I congratulate the Chief Justice, the Judges and the IT department of High Court of Balochistan for creating this useful website. I hope this website will prove to be very useful for the administration of Justice.