External Audit
External Audit:
To ensure transparency and accountability Hon’ble Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa directed that complete audit be conducted by an external independent body. The task was assigned to the Director General Audit Balochistan, whose officers scrutinized the books of account, analyzed the supporting documents (payrolls vouchers, etc.) and conducted a comprehensive audit. External audits have been regularly taking place and completed up to the fiscal year 2011-12. The audit includes the following:
a) High Court of Balochistan,
b) High Court Circuit Bench Sibi and
c) District Courts, including Labour Courts, Anticorruption and Anti Terrorism Courts.
Departmental Accounts Committee:
The audit observations that are made on the accounts during the course of audit for 2011-12 were discussed in the Departmental Accounts Committee meeting which was attended to by Mr. Zaheer ud Din, Registrar High Court, Mr. Sabir Ali, Deputy Registrar (Budget), Mr. Ziauddin Kasi, Director Audit, from D.G Audit Balochistan, and Mr. Doulat Khan, Internal Audit officer of this Court. Early all the observations made by the external auditors were settled on the provision of evidences and satisfaction was expressed with the maintenance of the accounts.