Balochistan Law Amendments
The Balochistan Service Tribunal (Amendment) Ordinance, 2013 (Ordi: No. III) Gazette of Balochistan, 2013 Serial No. 59 Dated May 3, 2013
Balochistan Environmental Protection Act, 2012 (Act No. VII of 2012) S/No. 07 Dated January 18, 2013
Code of Civil Procedure (Balochistan Amendment) Act, 2012 (Act No. IX) Gazette of Balochistan 2013, serial No. 6 Dated January 15, 2013
Amendment in Balochistan civil servant (Appointment, promotion and transfer) Rule, 2009. Notification No. S.O(R-1)5(13)/2012 S&GAD/1440/1539 Dated May 14, 2012. Gazette of Balochistan 2012 Serial No. 39
Amendment in Balochistan civil servant (Appointment, promotion and transfer) Rule, 2009. Notification No. S.O(R-1)5(13)/2012 S&GAD/1240/1339 Dated May 14, 2012. Gazette of Balochistan 2012 Serial No. 40
Balochistan Civil Servants (Confirmation) Riles, 2012. Vide Balochistan Notification No.SO(R-1)16-2012-S&Gad/961-1060. S/No.29 Dated April 16, 2012
Pakistan Prison Rule, 1978. Vide Balochistan Notification No.SO(PrS)2-106/Fed: Shariat/2011/4668-83 Dated December 10, 2011
The prisons Act 1894 (Act No. XI of 1894) Balochistan Amendment, Act No. VII of 2011 S/No.218 Dated August 16, 2011
The Prisoners Act No.1900 (Act No. III of 1900) Balochistan Amendment Act No. VIII of 2011 S/No. 219 Dated August 16, 2011
Amendment in the Balochistan Delegation of power under the financial rule and power of Re-appropriation Rules, 2008 (Notification No. FD (Reg: II)II/24-2010/947-1147 Dated June 29, 2011
Pakistan Prison Rule, 1978. Vide Balochistan Notification No.SO(PrS)2(11)/2019/2533-54 Dated July 5, 2010
Amendment in the Balochistan Civil Servants (Seniority) Rules, 2008. Vide Balochistan NotificationNo.SORI.1 (17)S&GAD/2007/1086-1206 Dated September 8, 2009
Balochistan Civil Servants (Seniority) Rules, 2008. Vide Balochistan Notification No.SORI.1(17)S&GAD/2007/929-1030 Dated August 25, 2008
Pakistan Prison Rule, 1978. Vide Balochistan Notification No. SO(PrS)2-94/Bln-Jails/vol-1/2004/009-24 Dated March 29, 2006
Prison Rule, 1978. Vide Balochistan Notification No. SO(PrS)2(11)/2001/1964-2035 Dated November 9, 2001